"Never give up, never surrender."This week I will be reviewing the film Galaxy Quest. This is pretty much a spoof of Star Trek and it is a very good spoof. It is about a group of washed up actors who now appear at conventions to regain their fame of 20 years before. The actors are Jason Nesbith/Captin Peter Qincy Taggart, Gwen DeMarco/ Lt Tawney Madison, Alexander Dane/Dr Lazarus of Tev'Meck, Fred Kwan/Tech Sargent Chen and Tommy Webber/Lt Laredo. The actors enjoy a devoted fan base but one in particular is sick of it name Alexander. I found this film to be very funny from start to finish. The plot involves the actors
on a mission to save a race of aliens who think that the TV show was a documentary from a galactic warlord known as Sarris. When the crew are beamed aboard the ship a fan and extra is also joined with them Guy Fleegman. When the ship is attacked by Sarris the crew have to find berryilium sphere in order to start up the engines again. I am not a huge Star Trek fan but I really enjoyed this film. Its great that you don't have to be a Star Trek or even science fiction in general in order to enjoy this film. The interaction between the actors is without a doubt the high point of the film. Alan Rickman and Tim Allen play off e
ach other wonderfully, it appears that there a rift between the two actors over the years but they do respect each other. Sigourney Weaver spoofs her Ripley character that she played in the alien film series by repeating what the computer says the whole time. The film also pay tribute to the fans, it is the fans who ultimately help our hero's at the end of the day to save earth. What is also enjoyable is that the film doesn't take itself to seriously. There is scene where the crew have to get the berryilium sphere where they encounter aliens that look like innocent children but they are really vicious aliens and the Captain has to fight a rock monster. It is very enjoyable and funny. I think maybe Star Trek fans might understand the jokes a bit better but that won't spoil you enjoyment of the this wonderful film. I give this film 10/10. Next week I will be reviewing Green Lantern:First Flight 2009 from the DC Universe Original Animated Movies and I will be reviewing Wonder Woman 2009 from the same line of films.

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