This week I will be reviewing Green Lantern: First Flight. This is the fifth animated film from the DC Universe Original Animated Movies. I enjoyed this film right from the start. Green Lantern is not a character that I am too familiar with but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. It starts off with a test flight being performed by Hal Jordan. Meanwhile a space craft crashes to earth with an alien known as Abin Sur dieing from a serious wound. He orders the ring to find someone worthy to pocess the green lantern ring. The ring finds Jordan and he is taken to the crash site where Abin Sur gives him the ring transforming him into the Green Lantern before the spaceship blows up. Hal Jordan is greeted by other Green Lanterns known as Boodikka, Kilowog and Sinestro. Sinestro takes Jordan under his wing and Jordan quickly finds out just how dangerous Sinestro is.
Sinestro disagrees with the Guardians views on how criminals are to be punished. In a twist in the story, it turns out that Sinestro is working with Kanjor Ro-the alien who had Abin Sur killed. He wants to find the yellow element which will give him the power to set his o
wn brutal law on the universe. He even goes as far as framing Jordan for the murder of Kanjar Ro. Jordan convinces Kilowog and Boodikka to let him out and they find him trying to find the location of the yellow element and to his horror Jordan discovers that Boodikka is on Sinestro's side. I very much enjoyed this film. The origin story of Green Lantern was told in Justice League The New Frontier but the writers deal with the origin in the first five minutes of this film. From there it is an action packed adventure set in space with very little time spent on earth. The film isn't too violent but it has its moments. The voice acting is once again excellent. The animation is crysal clear and wonderful. I give this film 9/10. This week I will also be reviewing Wonder Woman 2009 from the same line of animated films.